Wednesday 7 September 2011

BSNL's Internet Service in Karjat

When we moved from Mumbai to Karjat we were very apprehensive about the Internet services in Karjat, since we use to have problems with Tata Indicom's service in Mumbai, we expected the worse, especially being a rural area.

But our country is full of surprises, since BSNL was a major ISP here and with a few relatives who live in Goa recommending BSNL connections we decided to try them out. We first purchased a CDMA datacard with national roaming that we still use. The card has been used in Pune, Goa, the sad part is that it doesn't work in Mumbai, but works all around India for a cost of Rs 550 a month plus taxes, our total volume of usage has been over 16 GB of data transfer.
bsnl broadband karjat
No other ISP offers you an unlimited data card plan for so cheap, with speeds of around 8 - 12 KB on an average. With the help of BSNL we managed to get a landline since the cable was around 150 meters away, we hired a JCB got the cable put in and our connection in such a short span of time it was fantastic. We are now on a 512KB unlimited plan and its uptime is around 95% which is way better than what we had in the city.

Mr. Singh and Mr. Jhangham from BSNL Karjat were extremely helpful while we were getting our connection. Today Mr. Singh is in Mumbai while Mr. Jhangham still helps, if you need to get an Internet connection in Karjat, don't look any further, your solution is BSNL.

5% downtime isn't too much,it seems sometimes locals who provide phone services tend to cut the cable so as to help kill the more affordable solution. So in case your are laying a broadband cable it has to be around 3 feet deep to avoid this from happening.
deepika in a bsnl ad
We would sincerely like to thank BSNL Karjat for providing us with this wonderful service, allowing us to survive in the midst of nature! Thank you everyone at BSNL for the hard-work that goes into providing your services in Karjat.

To make it easier we have uploaded all the forms required for a new telephone & Internet connection, yopu have to get a landline to apply for Internet.

Download BSNLs New Internet Connection Forms

Bsnl Karjat Contact Numbers:

Customer Care - 221399/222599
Customer Care Karjat Urban - 221499
Customer Care Karjat Rural - 221000


  1. What is the BSNL policy for cables ?
    we have lot of problems with cables since we have a landline from BSNL and they informed that they will not provide cable more than 100 Running feet, therefor we provided them the normal 2 pair telephone cable which they joined after first 100 ft. but the line keeps on breaking due to cable disconnections. We need Broadband unlimited connection for which we filled the online request form, but we did not get any response from BSNL.

  2. hi Ketan, I don't know about the policies, the thing is we were lucky as to have a pre existing cable underground for part of the distance.

    I don't think you will get anywhere by filing an online application form. What you can do is fill the form and submit in the Karjat office.

  3. Hi Clyde,

    This blog is a great initiative by you especially for karjat. I have a farm on the karjat kadav road, and when I had visited the BSNL office a month back, they told me that the landline itself would take atleast 6 months or even more to come to this village. What would you say about the data card is it sufficient for browsing etc. Do you know anyone using Reliance broadband in this region, would love to know if you have experienced internet with other ISP's in this region. Are you based in Karjat city ?

  4. Hi Saa?

    Lol no we are not in the city actually, we are based close to Kadav. I don't know about Reliance broadband but I hear that Hathway is coming up in the area, sorry was out of town. Hence the delayed response.

